12th July - Update to AWeb, mainly fixing bugs.
13th May - Opera is officially now being ported to the Amiga, for
planned release December this year.
21st April - Spotted Chimera, an alpha release of a port of an X based browser.
17th March - VoyagerNG is updated to release 2.95 - many bug fixes, plus the introduction
of persistant FTP connections and parked HTTP/1.1 connections.
10 th March - IBrowse is updated from 1.12 to 1.20.
March - New official graphic decoder plugins are launched for AWeb.
February - AWeb 3.1 is released - the first Amiga browser to support JavaScript.
8th January - There may be a possible port
of Opera to the Amiga. This all depends upon them having sufficient interest from the Amiga
community, so you might like to check out their pages and let them know of your support.
January - Netscape announce that they are to release
the full sources to version 5 of Communicator package later this year. Already, there
are rumours of the possibility of some Amigans porting this to the Amiga, although nothing
firm has yet been annoucend.